해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Ramtech Universal Car GPS Windshield Dual Clip Mount, Suction Cup Holder with 360° Rotating Bracket, Compatible with Garmin Dezl 560 560LT 560LMT Truck GPS, WMDC

상품번호 B00X8FLFAS
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상품구분 Cell Phones & Accessories / Accessories
브랜드 Brand: Ramtech Electronics(TM)
판매자 Amazon
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상품가격 $9.99
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100% Brand new and high quality universal car mount/desktop stand.It was designed to work with GPS, Cell Phones, iPhones / iPods, Smartphones, PSP, PDAs, Tablets smaller than 8.4 inch, and many other handhelds and multimedia devices. It will fit devices from 3.5 to 8.4 inch screen. For an optimum and firm grip, your device must not exceed 0.65 inch (15mm) in thickness/depth.Securely mount your device while on the road, home, or at work. With the mount holder you can enjoy music and phone games, watching movies or photos without having to hold your device.Extra large suction cup attaches strongly. The power suction enables you to mount on almost any flat surface such as windshield, dashboard, car metal, plastics, and even drywall.This item is a Ramtech Electronics(TM) branded product and is sold directly and exclusively by Ramtech Electronics INC. *** Please don\'t confuse us with similar low quality ones in the market. ***
100% Brand new and high quality universal car mount/desktop stand. It was designed to work with GPS, Cell Phones, iPhones / iPods, Smartphones, PSP, PDAs, Tablets smaller than 8.4 inch, and many other handhelds and multimedia devices. It will fit devices from 3.5 to 8.4 inch screen. For an optimum and firm grip, your device must not exceed 0.65 inch (15mm) in thickness/depth. Securely mount your device while on the road, home, or at work. With the mount holder you can enjoy music and phone games, watching movies or photos without having to hold your device. Clamp design. No tools required. Easy to install and remove. Extra large suction cup attaches strongly. The power suction enables you to mount on almost any flat surface such as windshield, dashboard, car metal, plastics, and even drywall. Red silicone mat keeps your phone and other devices of all shape safe and secure, and effectively reduces the friction. 360° degree adjustable head lets you adjust the viewing position to any angle to suit the driver’s need. No matter if your phone is protected by a skin or case, the Car Mount grips firmly onto your device so you can drive with confidence. The No more hassle putting your phone or device on the mount. Product meets ROHS standards and does not use adhesives or magnets can withstand daily sunlight. Light weight, durable, solid, and portable. Item Specifics: Product Name: Universal Rotatable Car Windshield Mount Bracket Stand Clip Holder. Type: Car mount/ desktop stand Compatible Brand: Universal Material: Plastic (ABS + PC) Color: Black Biggest spread range: -160mm Suction Cup Diameter: 72mm Package Includes: 1x Universal Holder Car Windshield Mount Suction Stand holder in bulk packaging.

2024-07-10 18:31:03

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