해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
JJC Camera Hand Grip Strap for Canon EOS R8 R10 R7 R5 C R6 Mark II R RP 90D 5DM4 Rebel T7 T8i T7i T6i T6 SL3 4000D Sony A6700 Nikon Z30 Coolpix P950 P900 Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX85 G85 GH4 G100 FZ80

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상품가격 $9.99
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【Univeral Camera Hand Strap】 :Professional Hand Strap is designed for most DSLR/mirrorless camera/compact camera. Such as EOS R8 R10 R7 R5 R6 R RP Rebel T7 T8i T7i T6i T6 SL3 4000D PowerShot SX540 HS SX420 G3X Z fc Z5 Z6 Z7 Z6II Z7II Z50 D7500 D7200 D5600 D3500 Coolpix P1000 A7IV ZV-E10 A7C A7 IV III II A7R IV III II A7SIII A7SII A7S A6700 A6600 A6500 A6400 A6300 A6100 A6000 Lumix DMC-GX85 GH4 G100 FZ80 and more.【Comfortable and Breathable】: Outside of the hand strap is made of premium microfiber PU leather. The padded hand cushion is comfortable and provides support when the shot appears and thus helps avoid hand fatigue when you shoot for an extended period.【Adjustable Length Flexibly】: With the two buckles on the strap, you can adjustable to the size of your hand, provides secure support and ease of use for one-handed holding & shooting.【With 1/4"-20 Mount】: The thumb screw plate is also designed with a 1/4\'\'-20 tripod socket, allowing you to mount your camera onto a tripod without removing the strap when necessary.beside, there is a strap eyelet for attaching a neck strap on the other side while this hand strap is attached.【Good Choice】: If you often take your camera out to shoot, this is an ideal tool for taking photos constantly for a long time.

2024-07-11 12:44:29

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