해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KERAGEN - Brazilian Smoothing Keratin Hair Treatment, Blowout Straightening System for Dry and Damaged Hair - Forte, Sulfate Free - Eliminates Curls and Frizz, Medium to Coarse Hair (16 Oz)

상품번호 B011IVFVTO
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상품가격 $41.89
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Brazilian Blowout Professional Smoothing: Unleash the power of our Brazilian Keratin Smoothing Treatment. This blowout straightening system is specially crafted for dry and damaged hair, providing a rejuvenating forte of nutrients for an impressive transformation.Natural Keratin Smoothing Treatment 16 oz: Our Brazilian Keratin Smoothing Treatment is a blend of rich ingredients, designed to eliminate curls and frizz. It\'s perfect for medium to coarse hair, leaving your locks smooth and shiny.The Brazilian Keratin Smoothing Treatment is easy to use and comes in a 16 oz bottle. Simply apply the product to damp hair, blow dry, and flat iron to seal in the keratin. This product also works to reduce drying time, helping you to save time and energy. It\'s an ideal choice for those looking to reduce frizz and add shine to their hair. The Keragen system is also sulfate-free, so it won\'t strip your hair of essential moisture and nutrients.At Home Hair Smoothing Treatment: Discover the convenience of our at home hair smoothing treatment. This smoothing therapy keratin complex is perfect for achieving salon-quality results from the comfort of your own home.Keratin Hair Smoothing Treatment Kit: Transform your hair with our keratin hair smoothing treatment kit. This Brazilian keratin smoothing treatment is perfect for those seeking a professional hair care regimen at home. It\'s time to love your hair again.Keratin & Collagen Blend: Infused with a powerful combination of keratin and collagen to fortify and rejuvenate hair; targets weak, damaged strands for improved strength and resilience; promotes lustrous, silky hair with regular use; a perfect choice for enhancing hair\'s natural beauty and vitality

2024-07-11 15:24:19

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