해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Greenlee FI-100-KIT Fiber Identifier Kit

상품번호 B011O37B2Q
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상품가격 $666.24
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Fast simple and rugged fiber identificationNon-intrusive low insertion loss prevents alarm conditionsIdentifies fiber with tone detect and a clear indication of signal transmission direction for easy operationIs versatile - Supports all common fibersKit includes Fiber Identifier tool, carrying case, instruction manual, sun shade, batteries, and adapters
The Greenlee FI-100-KIT Fiber Identifier Kit provides fast simple and rugged fiber identification. Non-intrusive low insertion loss prevents alarm conditions. Identifies fiber with tone detect and a clear indication of signal transmission direction for easy operation. Supports all common fibers including 250Um, 900Um, 2mm, and 3mm and is able to sense light in bend insensitive fibers. Specifications: Identified Wavelength Range of 800-1700nm, Identified Signal Type 270Hz 5%, 1kHz 5%, 2kHz 5%, Detector Type 1mm InGaAs, Signal Indication of Left and Right LED, Signal Direction Test Range (CW/0.9mm fiber) from -46 to 10dBm (1310nm) and from -50 to 10dBm (1550nm), Signal Power Test Range (CW/0.9mm fiber) from -50 to +10dBm, Signal Frequency Display of 270Hz, 1kHz, and 2kHz, Insertion Loss (Typical/ Maximum) of 0.3 / 0.8dB at 1310nm and 1.5 / 2.5dB at 1550nm, Operating Temperature from -10 to +60C, Storage Temperature from -25 to +70C. Tone Detect Test range (Average) for Diameter 0.9, Diameter 2.0, Diameter 3.0 is -30 to 0dBm (270Hz, 1kHz) and -25 to 0dBm (2kHz); for Diameter 0.25 is -25 to 0dBm (1kHz, 2kHz) and -20 to 0dBm (2kHz). Requires 2 AAA Alkaline batteries (included). Certifications: CE, FCC, WEEE. Kit includes the F-100 Fiber Identifier, FI-100-250 250Um Adapter, FI-100-900 900Um Adapter, FI-100-2MM 2mm Adapter, FI-100-3MM 3mm Adapter, FI-100-CASE Soft Carry Case, FI-100-MANUAL Instruction Manual, FI-100-SUNSHADE Sun Shade and two AAA batteries. Greenlee is the most respected and trusted source for professional grade tools when it comes to installing wire and cable. From hole making and bending to test and measurement, you can depend on Greenlee tools to outlast and outperform the competition every time.

2024-09-05 21:29:10

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