해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Northern Pike, Large, Pike, Pin, Lapel, Hat, Pins, Brooch, Brooches, Jewelry, Gift, Handmade in the USA, 200 Fish Designs Available. F063

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상품가격 $17.89
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❤ MADE IN USA: The spirit and pride of “Made in the U.S.A.” is reflected in each and every one of our products. It is a statement we are proud to make and look forward to keeping. We hope you enjoy our products and wear them with pride.?PERFECT GIFT: This Pin, Hat Pin, Lapel Pin is a perfect gift for friends and Family. What better way to give this masterpiece of quality and fine detail. Pins are Doubled Tacked (Military Clutches) to Avoid Spinning.?HIGHEST QUALITY: Each lapel pin is spin cast using only the highest quality Lead-Free fine English Pewter and is double tacked (military style) to avoid spinning. After casting, each piece is hand finished and polished for a beautiful antique look.?ENDLESS OPTIONS: Creative Pewter Designs also offers over 1500 other designs! Keychains, Broches, Lapel & Hat Pins, Magnets and Christmas Ornaments of almost any variety you can think of. All our designs come in Antique Pewter, Copper Plated, Gold Plated, and Hand Painted. With over 1500 Designs. Sorry we cannot Customize or Engrave.?% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: "This is Not What We Do, this is Who We Are" We want each and every one of our customers to be satisfied with the unique hand-crafted masterpiece or art!
PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA. Northern Pike, Fish Pin Dive into the captivating world of the Northern Pike, a freshwater game fish renowned for its elongated body, sharp teeth, and aggressive hunting prowess. This species, often found in the cold, clear waters of the Northern Hemisphere, embodies the spirit of the wilderness, making it a symbol of strength and resilience. The Northern Pike is celebrated by anglers and nature enthusiasts alike for its challenging catch and majestic appearance. Its distinctive markings, with olive green shading that blends into a white belly, punctuated by short, light bar-like spots, create a visual spectacle in the aquatic world. Ideal for those who appreciate the beauty of freshwater ecosystems, the Northern Pike stands as a testament to the intricate balance of aquatic life, appealing to anyone fascinated by the mysteries lurking beneath the water\'s surface. “Created for Your Passion” With over 3100 Designs available, you are sure to find something that speaks to your passions, hobbies, or profession. Explore our whole line of designs to find dog breeds, dinosaurs, fish, birds, reptiles, insects, flowers, pets, fantasy, gothic, Viking, animal, sport, team, patriotic, military, wildlife, and so much more! Our team at Creative Pewter Designs have devoted our time and skills in developing a pewter metal selection to meet your individual passion. Truly a masterpiece of artwork, custom cast by skillful artisans, each pin takes on a three-dimensional look. All our designs are sculpted by hand, and all made in our studio! We are proud to call them wearable art. They look great on hats, backpacks, bags, jackets, lapels, and more. Creative Pewter Designs is a small company located on the Kitsap Peninsula in the Great Northwest. We have multiple product lines including Keychains, Lapel Pins, Hat Pins, Magnets, Pendants, Brooches, Necklaces, Tie Tacks, and Ornaments. 100% American Made.

2024-02-13 17:18:02

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