해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Xtreme Gardening RT8100 8100 Tea Brews 80 gm Packs 10/ct, 80gm

상품번호 B012CXC6O0
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상품구분 Grocery & Gourmet Food / Beverages
브랜드 Xtreme Gardening
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상품가격 $36.49
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.An Easy To Use, Easy To Brew Blend Of Organic Matter That Is Packed Full Of Healthy Soil MicrobesWith This Brew, The Entire Microbial Matrix Begins To Work In Concert To Optimize Plant Growth10 Count, 80G BagsNo Assembly Required
Size:80gm packs XTREME TEA BREWS are an easy to use, easy to brew blend of organic matter that is packed full of healthy soil microbes. With the beneficial microorganisms present in Xtreme Tea Brews, organic fertilizers can be fully harnessed and delivered to plants with unparalleled "natural efficiency." The beneficial microbes work in symbiosis with plants, to break down carbon-dense compounds, release nutrients in plant available forms and help shield plant roots from pathogens and disease. When these beneficial organisms are returned to the soil, the entire microbial matrix begins to work in concert to optimize plant growth. The success of crop development also benefits all the beneficial microbes that are involved in the process. It's a "Win-Win" relationship. Mother Nature has been evolving and perfecting her growing methods for over 450 million years. Xtreme Tea Brews work with nature, instead of against her, to deliver the Xtreme Results you've been looking for.
2020-05-10 23:02:09

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