해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Darcy (Marsala/Tan) Tier and Valance Window Curtain Set - 58 Inch Width, 36 Inch Length - Light Filtering Drapes for Kitchen, Bedroom, Living & Dining Room by Achim Home Decor

상품번호 B0144N4P4U
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상품가격 $14.98
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100% PolyesterImportedDarcy Valance: The Darcy Window Curtain Tier and Valance Set features an engineered pick-up valance in contrasting colors, giving it a classic look. Looks great on its own or paired with our matching Darcy collection.Upgrade Your Home Decor: Light filtering, machine washable polyester fabric is easy to clean.Specifications: This set includes two tiers and a valance. The valance measures 58”x14” and each tier is 29”x36”. The rod pocket measures 1.5".Darcy Collection: Coordinating Darcy Panels and Darcy Tie-Up Shades are also available separately.Bringing Great Designs Home: Achim Home Decor has been bringing fashion and value to your home since 1962. Specializing in decorative window and floor styles, we pride ourselves on offering outstanding value with the highest quality standards.
Achim Importing Co., Inc. is a privately owned company established in 1962 by its founder and still current president Marton B. Grossman. Achim\'s home furnishing lines include many ready-made products specializing in decorative styles for the window and floor. Achim Importing prides itself as offering outstanding value, with the highest quality standards in all products being marketed.

2024-05-16 18:06:15

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