해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kids Learning Tower®, Toddler Tower by Little Partners – Child Kitchen Stool Helper Adjustable Height Step Stool, Wooden Frame, Counter Step-Up Active Standing Tower (RED)

상품번호 B015O6CYOE
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상품가격 $159.99
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✔ LITTLE PARTNERS LEARNING TOWER — Designed by a Montessori school educator, the Learning Tower lifts your baby to kitchen counter height to encourage interaction and togetherness between children and parents.✔ LITTLE PARTNERS LEARNING TOWER — Designed by a Montessori school educator, the Learning Tower lifts your baby to kitchen counter height to encourage interaction and togetherness between children and parents.✔ DURABLE BUILD — Stable design safely brings your toddler to counter height to participate in cooking, cleaning, crafts or other hands-on activities. Made with the fine wood, the Learning Tower delivers safety, durability and style.✔ ENCOURAGE YOUR KIDS — Young children love to help and explore, and now they can do so safely. Four-sided open frame with 2 steps for easy climbing helps toddlers to climb in and out by themselves, building confidence and independence.✔ SAFE SUPPORT — Designed to meet the needs of young toddlers 2 years and up and up to 250 lbs. Adjusts to four different heights to grow with your child, encouraging independence throughout their childhood. Safety rails, handholds and rounded edges offer additional security.✔ PERFECT ADD-ONS — Little Partners Silicone Play Mat provides a non-slip platform to help prevent falls. Enhance the fun with the Little Partners Art and Education board attachment. Both are available as additional accessories.

2024-05-15 21:15:54

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