해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Amazing Formulas L-Tryptophan 1000mg 60 Tablets Supplement | Non-GMO | Gluten Free | Made in USA

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L-Tryptophan 1000mg Per Serving Supplement60 Servings Per Bottle, 1 Tablet Per ServingNon-GMO, Gluten Free, Third Party TestedManufactured in accordance with GMP StandardsProudly made in the USA with Guaranteed Purity & Potency
L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid, an important building block of proteins that your body cannot manufacture on its own and must get from the food that you eat. Your body requires tryptophan to perform a number of important tasks. The nutrient has been found to:- SUPPORT HEALTHY SLEEP. Trytophan is needed to produce melatonin, the brain chemical that controls your sleep cycle.*- BALANCE YOUR MOOD. L tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin, the feel good chemical that eases stress and regulates mood. *- AIDS IN IMMUNE SYSTEM FUNCTION. The amino acid is needed to produce kynurenines, which help defend the body from germs. *- PROMOTES HEALTHY CIRCULATION & NERVOUS SYSTEM FUNCTION. Your body converts L-trytophan to niacin to support blood flow and nervous system function. *- SUPPORTS HEALTHY DIGESTION. Trytophan helps your body metabolize nutrients and manufacture hydrochloric acid to break down your food. *If your health care professional has recommended that you start taking a natural sleep supplement or L-trytophan tablets to improve your health, Amazing Nutrition L Tryptophan Dietary Supplement is the best product to choose. Our L-tryptophan 1000 mg dose is the amount that is frequently recommend by helath care profrssional for those who need a sleep supplement or overall support for health and well-being. Plus, our tryptophan 1000mg supplement is made in the USA at a GMP certified facility to ensure that our tryptophan tablets are pure, potent and safe.Complete your diet with the best choice of L-trytophan supplements! Order Amazing Nutrition L Tryptophan Dietary Supplement and get 60 of our 1000 milligram tablets.

2024-07-11 15:30:12

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