해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Madison Park Essentials King Comforter Set, Bed in a Bag King, Watercolor Print Coastal Comforter & Chambray Cotton Sheet Set, All Season Bedding Set, Saben, Taupe King (104 in x 92 in) 9 Piece

상품번호 B0186VV0LC
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상품가격 $109.67
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100% Microfiber Comforter Set, 100% Cotton Sheet Set9 Piece Bed in a Bag Set - Elevate your bedroom with our comforter and sheet set. Featuring a coastal comforter with stunning watercolor prints and a chambray 100% cotton sheet set, it offers a complete and stylish makeover for a total refreshCoastal Bedding Set - The Saben Comforter Set features a charming watercolor print in stunning grey, white, and taupe contrasts. Crafted with a soft brushed microfiber cover and lightweight, skin-friendly poly filling, it offers year-round comfort100% Cotton Sheet Set - The Bed in a Bag includes a lightweight & breathable 100% muslin cotton sheet set. The grey chambray finish adds sophisticated contrast. The fitted sheet elastic pocket fits mattresses up to 14 inches (12 inches for Twin size)OEKO-TEX certified for superior COMFORT and WELLNESS, as they are free from any substances or chemicals that may compromise quality, and is hygienically treated for lasting freshnessDURABLE & EASY CARE: Our microfiber comforter and cotton sheets offer durability to withstand daily wear and tear. Simply machine wash cold on LOW cycle. Do not bleach, Tumble dry LOW HEAT. Iron on medium heat if needed. Decor pillow spot clean only
The Madison Park Essentials Saben Complete Comforter and Cotton Sheet Set provides a modern update to your bedroom. A watercolor stripe print is beautifully displayed on the ultra-soft microfiber comforter. The matching shams (1 in Twin Sizes) mirror the pattern of the comforter, while an embroidered decorative pillow and a solid grey bed skirt to complete the bedding set. A coordinating textured grey cotton sheet set is also included to complement the casual style of the comforter. This bedding set is also OEKO-TEX certified, meaning it does not contain any harmful substances or chemicals, ensuring quality comfort and wellness.

2024-07-10 18:47:01

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