해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Handee Clamp Extension Wrench Clamp Tight Tool, Versatile Vise Grip, Holds Nuts & Bolts, Compresses Gas Lines and Hose Clamps, Holds Nut from Turning

상품번호 B01AE2D9D8
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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
브랜드 Brand: C & C Handee Clamp, LLC
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $24.50
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Enhanced Leverage: Designed to function as an extension clamp in hard-to-reach areas for your hands or other tools.Increased Accessibility: Innovative tool makes your job easy when needing to put on a clamp nut or boltEasy to Use: Simply put desired nut, clamp, or bolt in the Handee Clamp and tighten nut on another end to secureVersatility: Designed to hold nuts bolts and clamps in adjustable jaws, acts as a small vise gripAutomotive Repairs: Endless applications. Farm, auto, truck, aviation, marine, ATV, UTV, snowmobiles, and motorcycles.
The Handee Clamp has many useful applications - Farm, auto, truck, aviation, marine, ATV, UTV, snowmobiles, motorcycles, and more. AVIATION MECHANICS- While working on an airplane, one will inevitably encounter a tight space. The Handee Clamp will securely hold onto whatever you put in its jaws, enabling you to reach into that tight crevice so you can focus on the job at hand and not worry about dropping the hardware you need. It also works great with those pesky Adel clamps that can be difficult to hold down while securing the bolt. AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS - Whether you are working under the dash or under the hood, an auto mechanic will eventually encounter a situation where they will need that extra reach the Handee Clamp can provide. Many argue a set of needle nose pliers can do the same job, but the profile of the handles will still handcuff any good mechanic as they reach into the tight space. Pliers also require constant pressure, something you do not need to worry about with the Handee Clamp. AROUND THE HOUSE - If you have a toolbox at home, make sure you have this tool in your inventory. There is no telling when the next time you\'ll need The Handee Clamp to help you with that "Out of Reach Grasp". For a relatively inexpensive product, it can save you hours of frustration which makes it more than worth its value. USA shop-built tool that is designed to attach nuts, bolts, or hose clamps in hard-to-reach places. Nuts and clamps in pictures are not included.

2024-07-10 21:45:00

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