해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tactical Research MAXX 6Z 6” Ultra-Cushioned Maximalist Black Tactical Boots for Men with Zipper - Designed for Police, EMS, and Security with Slip-Resistant Vibram Outsole

상품번호 B01AO2LWK0
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상품가격 $139.99
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Tactical Research is a leading supplier of tactical boots, patrol boots, and duty boots for many different kinds of servicepeople. Whether you work in law enforcement, emergency medical services (EMS), private security, or some other profession, start your search for tactical boots and tactical gear with the company that combines cutting-edge technology with over a century of experience. The 6 inch (6 in) men\'s MAXX 6Z side-zip tactical boot offers greater support, cushion, and stability than other tactical boots. Great for police force personnel, this all-terrain boot features a cattlehide leather and Destination P mesh upper for durable breathability in hot weather. A moisture-wicking liner helps control sweat and keep feet dry. The FATT MAXX midsole absorbs up to 55% more shock than other leading athletic tactical boots. A Vibram Ballistic outsole gives this boot traction on both stones and street. Corrections officers who stand on hard concrete all day will love this boot\'s removable OrthoLite insole with high-rebound memory foam that your foot sinks into like a couch. In attractive, glossy black, the MAXX 6Z is designed for servicepeople but also serves well for work and recreational use. So whether you\'re a police officer, a prison guard, a militia member, an EMT, a maintenance worker, or just looking for a good paintball or airsoft boot, the MAXX 6Z is the extremely comfortable maximalist tactical boot to fit your needs.

2024-10-02 20:01:52

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