해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Sprogs Deluxe Heavy-Duty Childrens Standard 52"L Stackable Daycare Cot with Easy Lift Corners Cots for Preschool Kids Sleeping, Resting, and Naptime, SPG-16138-AS, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow (Pack of 4)

상품번호 B01E84Y32O
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상품가격 $142.37
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PREMIUM COMFORTABLE COT: Provides kids with a comforable spot for resting or nap time at home, daycare, or preschoolDURABLE: Heavy-duty cots are constructed of 18-gauge steel frame and vinyl-coated non-flammable mesh fabric / Weight Capacity 150 lbs / DIMENSIONS: 52"L x 23"W x 5" HSTACKABILITY: Smooth, waterfall-style corners prevent cots from sticking together when unstacking and help prevent corner breakage and can stack up to twelve units high for convenient storage and space savingSAFE & CERTIFIED: GREENGUARD [GOLD] Certified / Backed by a 20-year limited warranty on cotsEASY TO CLEAN: Clean-ups a breeze, just wipe vinyl mesh fabric and frame with a damp soapy sponge and wipe dry / Ready to assemble150 Pound weight capacity
The Heavy-Duty Stackable Preschool Daycare Cot from Sprogs makes your classroom sleeping resting and naptime set-up simple. These little beds for kids children and toddlers have smooth, waterfall-style corners to prevent the cots from sticking together when unstacking and help prevent corner breakage. The 14-gauge steel frame securely supports up to 150 pounds, and the vinyl-coated mesh fabric makes clean-ups easy.

2024-02-13 13:57:05

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