해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Micosuza Full Body Swimsuit Swim Suit Full Coverage - Long Legs Long Sleeves for Women One Piece Rash Guard

상품번호 B01EFFBJ6E
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상품가격 $32.99
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Super Comfort: Micosuza\'s swim suits are designed to offer a comfortable and free body movement for you. Made of 82% nylon 18% spandex this swim tight is extremely soft, breathable and light weight. Excellent stretch and recovery maximize free body movement. It is idea for exercise in and out of the water. Made of the softest high quality fabric, this swimsuit fits your body like a glove and let you swim as free as a fish. Perfect Sun Protection: This sunsuit is designed to protect your skin when you enjoy sunshine on beach. Tightly knitted fabric offers protection against the sun all day long. With its convenient design of front zipper, you may pull on easily whenever you want to go out, and provides UPF50+ protection, it helps block >97.5% of the sun Why choose us?: When you are swimming, surfing or playing on beach, we know you are not only looking for fun but also want to be healthy. That?\'s why Micosuza has the mission of "Bringing Healthy to You". We insist on using the high quality fabric to produce all our swim clothing. Our price maybe a little higher than others, but we always believe QUALITY and SATISFACTION is what we want to offer to our customers. Trust us and take our swim suit with you to beach. You deserve being healthier and enjoying the sunshine and fun on beach comfortably. Warranty Micosuza\'s swimming wear include a limited one-year manufacturer\'s warranty against defects in materials and workmanship.

2024-05-15 07:00:15

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