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Madden NFL 17 - Standard Edition - PlayStation 3

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Ball Carrier Feedback System: New prompts and path assist help identify defensive threats and recommend special moves to elude any defenderPass and Rush Counters; Simplify play calling on defenseWays to Play, Madden Ultimate Team or Draft Champions
Take your team all the way in Madden NFL 17 and put yourself at the center of your team’s Championship run. Lure the defense into a trap by calling a series of plays that will misdirect them away from your true game plan. Change the offensive and defensive strategies on the fly to go aggressive or play it safe. GAMEPLAY: Featuring two all new gameplay strategies, Madden NFL 17 leads you to gridiron glory. Setup Plays – Lure the defense into a trap by calling a series of plays that will misdirect them away from your true game plan. Coach Adjustments – Change the offensive and defensive strategies on the fly to go aggressive or play it safe. FRANCHISE: Whether playing solo or online with friends, your quest to build an NFL dynasty begins in Franchise Mode. Interact and build your team with more control using Game Prep. Want to develop your backup QB? Between matchups, spend extra time on him each week to earn training points without having to force him into the real games before he is ready. Build your teams\' confidence through performance and front office transactions. Balance keeping player\'s confidence up, to increase abilities and build player XP. COMMENTARY: Madden NFL 17 delivers our most authentic commentary in Madden NFL history with the addition of an all new, in studio team featuring Brandon Gaudin and Charles Davis. With full access to the team, commentary has been completely rebuilt from the ground up, providing players with unprecedented depth and analysis. SKILLS TRAINER: Skills Trainer will teach you not only gameplay skills, but strategy and football concepts as well. Learn how to read zone defenses, when to hot route a receiver, and more with nearly 50 tutorials and drills. Once you\'ve mastered the basics, enter The Gauntlet where your skills will be put to the ultimate test through intense challenges and boss battles. WAYS TO PLAY: Madden NFL 17 Ultimate Team: Madden NFL 17 Ultimate Team (MUT) is the complete NFL team building mode using your favorite NFL players from the past and present. Experience the all new Turning Points challenge in Madden NFL 17 Ultimate Team and play hundreds of different scenarios from the NFL season and get rewarded based on how difficult your probability of success is. With a variety of new player items, and immersive new challenges, engage in hours of entertainment in Madden NFL 17 Ultimate Team.

2024-10-02 23:54:21

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