해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tommaso Forcella Endurance Aluminum Road Bike, Carbon Fork, Shimano Claris R2000, 24 Speeds, Aero Wheels, Matte Black, Matte White

상품번호 B01GKD6JB4
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QUALITY CYCLING PRODUCTS SINCE 1985: Our Italian designed cycling shoes, bicycle, and cycling products have made riders look like pros since \'85. But we\'re more than just fancy gear, we\'re a community. Our cycling-crazed customer service team in Denver can help with any questions or concerns. Plus, our Lifetime Warranty Replacement Promise means you can put our gear to the test with unrelenting confidence. We hope that you will Join The Ride, for fun, fitness, and community.POWERFUL PEFORMANCE & SPEED: The Forcella is a top-performing bike that\'s not just for beginners. Starting cycling can be intimidating, but we believe that new riders deserve bikes that deliver affordable performance without compromising on quality. We recommend the Forcella for new riders who are serious about their cycling goals. Unlike other so-called "beginner bikes" that are quickly outgrown, the Forcella comes packed with high-quality components, like a carbon fork, found on high end bikesREADY TO TAKE YOUR RIDING TO THE NEXT LEVEL? Look no further than the Foreclla – the bike that\'s built to deliver the power, performance, and speed you need to conquer your first century ride or tackle those challenging hilly routes. Equipped with a top-notch 3x8 Shimano Claris drivetrain and an impressive gearing range, this bike is designed to make climbing hills a breeze while still maintaining the speed you need to dominate on the flats.NEVER MISS A SHIFT: Shimano Claris shifters provide consistent, reliable shifting in all riding conditions, so you can focus on pushing yourself. Unlike our competitors, who cut corners and use off-brand parts to save money, we use a 100% Shimano drivetrain. Why? Because Shimano makes the best drivetrain on the planet, and they\'re at their best when used together as a complete set. Please note that professional assembly is required to validate your warranty and ensure optimal performanceBUILT TO LAST: All too often things are made cheaply and break before their time. We believe that bikes should be reliable and built to last. This is why we use premium aluminum in our frames, and back it with our industry leading lifetime warranty. We use only Shimano components, which are backed by Shimano’s two year warranty and function better than competitors. Ride with confidence! PLEASE NOTE: ALL BIKES ON AMAZON COME UN-TUNED. PROFESSIONAL ASSEMBLY REQUIRED TO VALIDATE WARRANTIES!

2024-10-01 23:28:42

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