해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
StewMac Nut and Saddle Vise

상품번호 B01HUD67NS
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상품가격 $64.89
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Specially designed for holding nuts, saddles and other small piecesCustom jaws give you better clearance and easier access to your workSturdy and portable; clamp it on to the edge of your workbench, or into your larger shop viseMade of steel, with a 2" x 5-5/8" footprint
A better way to hold nuts and saddles for easier, faster shaping. Sure, most of us already have a shop vise. And for a long time, you\'ve probably used yours to hold nuts and saddles for filing and shaping. But you\'ve also noticed that your vise jaws get in the way when you\'re trying to file the top of that nut or saddle, so you\'re constantly repositioning the work in the jaws. We considered the problem and designed a special vise that gives you the clearance you need for an easier and more efficient job. The custom jaws are extra tall, with steep angles for easier access to your work. The end of the vise is beveled for extra relief, too. The 2"-wide steel jaws are hardened for durability and specially undercut to stay parallel under pressure, holding the nut or saddle uniformly without slippage. For other jobs, the jaws open to 2-7/16", making it versatile for gripping all kinds of small work. This is a well-made, heavy little portable steel vise with a 2" x 5-5/8" footprint; you can clamp it to the edge of your workbench, or into your larger shop vise. The Nut and Saddle Vise is included in the Essential Nut Making Tool Kit, which has all the basic tools you\'ll need for shaping, string-spacing, slotting and fitting string nuts like a pro.

2024-05-17 00:15:42

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