해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ROCKY S2V Waterproof 400G Insulated Military Boot

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상품가격 $340.00
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This Rocky S2V coyote brown military boot offers unrivaled comfort and stands up to tough conditions. This uniform-compliant boot is approved for wear with all applicable Operational Camouflage Pattern variations. This boot goes above and beyond, helping you go the extra mile through cold and wet conditions. Cross streams and hike through wet environments without hesitation. This boot features a breathable waterproof membrane system that allows you to brave the elements while letting your feet breathe permitting you to perform to your highest potential. This boot also offers 400 grams of 3M Thinsulate Ultra insulation keeping your feet warm and helping you focus on the task at hand. Made of flash-resistant, water-resistant leather, 1,000-denier CORDURA nylon, and coated for flame resistance, these boots allow you to put your best foot forward. The durable, triple-stitched military boot withstands everyday wear and tear and reduces ankle injuries with Roll-Stop Ankle Stability and a Vibram sole with proprietary high walls and a polyurethane midsole. The stretch LYCRA tongue hugs your feet for a secure fit and a fiberglass shank adds additional durability and support. Find even more comfort when you look inside this boot. The Berry Complaint Moisture Wicking Lining wicks away moisture while the Rocky Air-Port footbed cushions your feed and has perforations that allow air flow. This military boot is Made In The USA and is Berry-Compliant. If you\'re looking for a coyote brown combat boot that meets your performance and comfort needs, get the Rocky S2V Military Boot.

2025-01-08 11:05:06

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