해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Molly's Suds Original Laundry Detergent Powder | Natural Laundry Detergent Powder for Sensitive Skin | Earth-Derived Ingredients, Stain Fighting | 240 Load (Peppermint)

상품번호 B01J8QFGBO
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상품가격 $36.09
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SAFER INGREDIENTS, POWERFUL CLEAN: 5 stain fighting natural ingredients that are safer for your family and for the planet. 1 tablespoon sized scoop of Original Laundry Powder deep cleans and gently deodorizes 1 load of clothes. Gentle for sensitive skin, the environment, and most fabrics excluding silk and leatherSMART STAIN PREP: Get stains out for good with our concentrated laundry detergent free of artificial dyes and fragrances. Always check for stains before laundering; treat fabric within 24 hours; read and follow laundry care labels; blot stains with a clean napkin or rag; rinse from the inside out; make a paste from the laundry powder; use the right water temperature; then launder as usualFOR MOTHERS EVERYWHERE: From Mother Earth to our family to your family. Made in the USA with plant and earth-based active cleaning ingredients that are peanut free, vegan, and certified cruelty-free by Leaping Bunny. Our laundy detergent leaves no residue and rinses clean. Septic and grey water safe. Available unscented or lightly scented so clothes smell fresh. Created for all mothers, babies, people, skin sensitivities, and the planet, joining cleaning power with compassionSUITABLE FOR ALL WASHERS: Standard, commercial, and HE washing machines clean clothes best with sustainable cleaning products like our Original Laundry Powder. Uses only a few simple ingredients and minimal suds for a safe detergent that launders garments naturally and effectively. Eliminates buildup left behind in clothing fibers from prior washing powdersWHAT\'S INCLUDED: Two 79 oz bags of Laundry Powder with one measuring scoop. Our sustainable detergent is capable of deep cleaning 240 loads of laundry. Free of harsh synthetic fragrances, dyes, and other harmful additives. Dissolve 1 measuring scoop in warm or hot water for each load of laundry to power through dirt and grime

2024-09-28 10:59:19

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