해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Xtra Long Shot EZ-Fold Premium Arcade Basketball Game with Built-in 4-Ball Storage Rack

상품번호 B01K8K9XXG
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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Sports
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상품가격 $183.77
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6 PIECE SET includes the Hall of Games EZ-Fold Basketball Game Table, 7” basketballs(4) and 1 air pump
Simultaneous play With the Hall of Games EZ Fold 2-Player Basketball Game, you can play alone or simultaneously with a competitor. The Electronic LED Scoring System with authentic arcade sounds gives shooters the adrenaline rush of a packed fieldhouse as they compete in 8 different skill games. When the weather or the time necessitate indoor activities, look no further than the Hall of Games EZ Fold Basketball Game. It keeps your shooting skills sharp and helps younger players develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Space-saving durability Our innovative EZ Fold design lets you enjoy competitive, skill-building basketball shoot-outs at any hour and in spite of inclement outdoor weather. When not in use, the Hall of Games EZ Fold Basketball Game folds down to nearly half its size and takes up minimal space in your garage or guest room. The rust resistant 1.5"" steel frame is lightweight and clear polycarbonate backboard enhances the game\'s portability. With 3"" lockable casters, it rolls on tile, carpet and wood floors for easy transportation. This set comes complete with 4 basketballs and an air pump. Customer Satisfaction is our top priority We insist on the highest quality materials and manufacturing processes to bring you this deluxe arcade style basketball game. We confidently offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee for your peace of mind. In the unlikely event that our product does not meet your expectations, return it for a 100% refund of your purchase price. No questions asked. Provide hours of home entertainment for your family and friends. Add the Hall of Games EZ Fold Basketball Game to your cart today.

2024-07-10 03:50:06

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