해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SMALL FISH Build Magic Cube 3x3, Brain Teaser Speed Cube Toys for Kids Adults, Handheld 3D Puzzle Cube for Boys Girls Birthday Gifts Classroom Prize, Easter Gifts Basket Stuffers Easter Egg Fillers

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상품가격 $9.95
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【Classic Toys with a Modern Twist】 Combining two classic toys; 3x3 magic cube and blocks to create a fun new toy that can be played in different ways. It can be played as a regular puzzle that teases the brain and as blocks to build and arrange.【Smooth Play and Perfect Fit】 This standard structure 3x3 inches magic cube is super-fast and smooth without any extra tuning that’s great for beginners. Has an anti-pop technology and lightning-quick cornering for faster and easier turns.【Child Safe, Long Lasting, and Reliable】 This speed cube with bricks has passed the ASTM F963 International Safety Standard. These are made of high-quality plastic that won’t easily break when dropped and can withstand years and years of play. Best birthday gifts for kids boys girls, teenagers. Christmas stocking stuffers, easter basket stuffers egg fillers.【Train the Brain and the Hands】 Kids learn to focus their minds in solving the puzzle cube with improving creativity with arranging and connecting the blocks to the cube and to other blocks.【We got your back】 You and your satisfaction are our priority. This cube has a 90-day return period. If you find any damage or that you don\'t like your SMALL FISH magic cube, please contact our seller support. We are available 24/7 for your convenience.

2024-07-11 07:02:06

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