해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DHP Airlie Convertible Wood Bunk Bed, Stackable and Detachable Bed Frames for Kids and Teens, with Angled Ladder, High Guardrail, Wood Slats, No Boxspring Required, Twin-Over-Full, Espresso

상품번호 B01KZ0R1LA
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상품가격 $275.39
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Space Saving Stackable Bunk Bed: Designed to maximize bedroom space for kids, teens or guest rooms. Converts into two free-standing platform bed frames: one twin size and one full size. Under bed clearance is perfect for storage bins or boxesBuilt for safety: Incudes a sturdy and easy-to-climb angled ladder and a 13" guard rail. Smooth painted finish. Assembled dimensions of the bunk bed (including the ladder): 69.5"W x 78"L x 64"H; twin bed: 41.5"W x 28.5"H; full bed: 57.5"W x 35.5"HSturdy Construction: Solid wood structure creates a stable platform bed frame to withstand every day use by kids big or small. Top bunk not intended for use by children under 6 years old. Assembly requiredNo Box Spring Needed: Wood slats support your mattress without the need for a box spring. Made to fit one twin and one full size 6" innerspring mattress (sold separately). Max weight limit: top bunk: 165 lbs, bottom bunk: 250 lbs.Stress-free Assembly: Instructions are included and easy to follow. Get answers to all your questions with customer support 7 days a week by phone, email or chat. Easily order parts online or by phone. Enjoy a 1 year limited warranty
Brighten up your children\'s room with the DHP Airlie Twin over Full Bunk Bed. Featuring a twin over full bunk bed design, this bunk bed\'s compact footprint leaves plenty of room for play! Crafted with a sturdy wood construction, its traditional design includes transitional aesthetics such as gentle curves on the top bunk, a classic vertical slat design on both the headboards and footboards, and an espresso finish. With both functionality and safety in mind, the Airlie comes equipped with a secure four-step ladder and two guard rails seen on the top bunk for added security while sleeping. Truly an ideal space-saver, this bunk bed shows off its versatility by easily separating into one twin and one full size bed. Create a bigger and better space where your children will love to hang out in with the DHP Airlie Twin over Full Bunk Bed.

2024-07-10 18:56:40

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