해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Maxifill Superior Lightweight Body Filler - Ultra Lightweight & Paintable for Car Repairs - Adheres to Fiberglass, Metal, Plastic & More - Ideal for Dents & Scratches - 3 Liters + Hardener

상품번호 B01L2PX7D8
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상품가격 $75.00
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MICROSPHERES TECHNOLOGY: Roberlo Maxifill stands out in the auto repair market, its innovative formula designed to tackle small to medium dents and scratches across a variety of surfaces including aluminum, steel, zinc, galvanized, and fiberglass. What sets Maxifill apart is its microspheres technology, it significantly reduces sanding time by 40%.COMPLETE REPAIR KIT: Each Roberlo Maxifill bundle is a comprehensive solution for auto body repair, containing 3 liters of lightweight body filler and a hardener. This kit provides everything needed for effective repairs, offering convenience and efficiency in one package. The dimensions of the product are optimized for easy storage and handling, ensuring that you can keep your workspace organized and your supplies within reach.ADVANCED RUST INHIBITION: Maxifill is crafted from high-quality materials designed for durability and long-lasting repairs. Its advanced formulation includes rust inhibitors to prevent future corrosion, ensuring that your repairs are not just temporary fixes but long-term solutions. The body filler\'s superior adhesion properties guarantee that it bonds securely to a wide range of surfaces, providing a flexible and reliable repair solution.SUPERIOR ADHESION & NO FINISH PUTTY NEEDED: Maxifill guarantees a strong bond to surfaces like Fiberglass, Steel, and Aluminum, ensuring durable repairs. Its formula eliminates the need for finish putty, streamlining the repair process to apply, sand, and prime directly for a smooth finish, saving time and effort.USER-FRIENDLY APPLICATION: Applying Maxifill is straightforward and hassle-free, thanks to its easy-to-mix formula and creamy texture that spreads evenly over damaged areas. Its quick-drying properties allow for rapid progress from application to sanding to priming, streamlining the repair process. This ease of use makes Maxifill an ideal choice for both professionals looking to increase their workflow efficiency and DIYers seeking professional-grade results at home.
Introducing Roberlo Maxifill, the ultimate solution for quick and effortless auto body repairs. This comprehensive kit includes 3 liters of lightweight body filler plus hardener, ideal for addressing a wide range of automotive dents and scratches. Maxifill\'s user-friendly formula is perfect for both seasoned professionals and DIY enthusiasts, offering easy application and excellent results on aluminum, steel, zinc, galvanized, and fiberglass surfaces. Featuring advanced rust inhibitors and microspheres technology, it not only speeds up the repair process by reducing sanding time by 40% but also prevents future corrosion, ensuring durable and long-lasting results. Its superior adhesion qualities allow for direct-to-metal application, providing a strong bond without the need for finish putty. Maxifill sets the standard for auto body repair, offering a smooth, professional finish with every use.

2025-01-07 11:36:10

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