해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Industrial Strength Original Black Tac Tack Putty (39inch Long x 0.9inch Wide) for Repairing, Reconstructing & Protecting Objects, Mouldable Repair Putty, Removable Waterproof Glue Putty

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상품구분 Office Products / Office & School Supplies
브랜드 Brand: PROtastic
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 15.00
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39 x 0.9 x 0.08 inch (enough to fix around 6 cameras)Unique Putty Sticks Cameras Almost AnywhereManufactured by PROtasticTested in temperatures from -29°C to 100°CAs used by professional television crews
We\'ll let you into a little secret the pro\'s use... this unique putty fixes Action Cameras almost anywhere! This incredibly sticky putty many, many times stickier than other reusable sticky putty products in the marketplace. . An invaluable extra in any enthusiast\'s toolbox, this \'get out of jail\' accessory will stick your camera in some really unusual places. But how sticky is it? Well, in all honesty we stuck a GoPro on the bumper of our car and drove to Germany with this. It\'s also been used by the ITV crew on the TT racing bikes. We\'d always recommend some insurance layers of tape where possible or a safety tether but it\'s really sticky yet removes clean and leaves no residue. Black Tac never dries up, is weatherproof and re-useable, although care should be taken to avoid dust and dirt. Our Black Tac is tested in temperatures from -29°C to 100°C. Supplied in a protective liner to avoid dirt pick-up prior to use. 39 x 0.9 x 0.08 inch (100 x 2 x 0.2 cm), enough to fix around 6 cameras.

2024-07-10 14:21:09

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