해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
25 Years and I Still Do 25th Anniversary Wedding 1999 Quarter Key Chain Gift with Personalized Options

상품번호 B01LFP6UK2
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상품구분 Handmade Products / Clothing, Shoes & Accessories
브랜드 Brand: Tucker\'s Trinkets And Treasures
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $21.49
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Made with a Real 1999 US QuarterLight Weight Aluminum Back Piece Will Not TarnishHandmade in the USA with Top Quality MaterialsCan be Personalized with a Date and/or Initials
I have hand stamped "I Still Do" on the back aluminum layer and hearts on each side of the year on the 1999 quarter. The 50 State Quarters Program began in 1999 and this piece is made with the 1999 Georgia quarter. Looking for a different year quarter? Just message me and I can set up a custom order for you. Would you like to personalize your piece with a date and/or set of initials? Just enter the details in the box provided under the Customize Now tab. Would you like a matching set of two pieces? You can get an identical second key chain at a discounted rate by selecting it in the Customize Now tab. Aluminum will not tarnish or change colors and has a lighter weight than stainless steel. Due to the hand stamped nature of each piece, being stamped one-letter-at-a-time, there may be slight differences in letter placement and spacing. This is not to be considered a defect. The differences are what gives the unique character to each piece.

2024-07-10 20:56:41

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