해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Shell Rotella T4 Triple Protection Conventional 15W-40 Diesel Engine Oil (1-Gallon, Case of 3)

상품번호 B01LH7L0D0
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상품가격 $42.98
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Conventional 15W-40 diesel engine oil with Triple Protection technology protects against wear, deposits, and oil breakdownFormulated with advanced additive technology for enhanced deposit control and superior engine cleanliness throughout the oil drain intervalEnhanced protection against oil oxidation for more efficient operationIncreased shear stability for better viscosity control and optimal engine oil pressureWear control helps keep moving metal engine surfaces apart for a longer life
Shell Rotella T4 Triple Protection 15W-40 diesel engine oil provides exceptional wear protection for longer life in a wide range of heavy-duty engines— from diesel pickup trucks to tractors to tractor trailers. It uses advanced additive technology for superior engine cleanliness throughout the oil drain interval to protect under the most severe engine conditions found in modern, low-emission engines and older hard-working diesel engines. Shell Rotella T4 15W-40 engine oil provides deposit control that helps keep engines clean for optimum performance and long life. It effectively sustains emissions control system durability where diesel particulate filters and after-treatment systems are used. Plus, it provides enhanced protection against viscosity loss due to shear and improved oil aeration compared to the previous formulation. Shell Rotella T4 Triple Protection 15W-40 is an excellent choice for on-highway fleets, general haul, construction, agriculture, public-transport operators, diesel pickup trucks, including high-power vehicles where resistance to increased heat and stress is required. Meets or exceeds the following industry requirements: API CK-4, CJ-4, CI-4 Plus, CI-4, CH-4; ACEA E9; Allison TES-439; JASO DH-2, MA, MA2. Exceeds the requirements of the following OEM specifications: Caterpillar ECF-2, ECF-3; Cummins CES 20086, 20081; Detroit Fluids Specification (DFS) 93K222, 93K218; Deutz DQC III-10 LA; Ford WSS-M2C171-F1; MACK EO-S 4.5, EO-O Premium Plus; MAN M3575; MB-Approval 228.31; MTU Category 2.1; Volvo VDS-4.5, VDS-4. For technical questions, contact the Shell Technical Help Desk.

2024-06-07 15:41:25

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