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PARKER IM Fountain Pen, Black Lacquer Chrome Trim, Fine Nib with Blue Ink Refill (1931644)

상품번호 B01LYP5U18
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상품가격 $39.95
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Smart, polished and established designs meet a modern, tapered silhouetteGlossy black lacquer finish complemented by eye-catching chrome trim and the signature PARKER arrow clipDurable stainless steel fine nib delivers a writing experience that’s both reliable and personalA comfortable and ergonomic shape is paired with superior PARKER craftsmanship to evoke the brand’s rich heritageAn affordable yet sophisticated gift, your fountain pen is presented in a PARKER gift box with a long blue QUINK ink cartridge
At once smart, polished and professional, the PARKER IM Fountain Pen is an ideal partner with unlimited potential. The sleek tapered shape pairs seamlessly with innovative designs to make a striking statement. Crafted with an intense black lacquer body accented in striking chrome trim, this PARKER pen makes a memorable gift. The nib is made from durable stainless steel and shaped to provide the optimal writing angle. For use with QUINK ink cartridges or convertible to ink bottle filling. Every detail is refined to deliver a writing experience that is at once dependable and faithful to over 125 years of PARKER brand heritage.

2024-06-03 20:59:34

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