해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Compass 360 Fly Fishing Waterproof Deadfall Stocking Foot Breathable Chest Wader for Adults (Regular & Stout Sizing)

상품번호 B01M276F3K
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상품가격 $139.95
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.DESIGN – Made from a premium, highly water resistant, breathable, 4-layer fabric. The fabric, seam tape, Durable Water Resistance (DWR) coating, and double reinforced knees and shins on the lower makes this wader one of the best in the business.FEATURES/BENEFITS – Made with contour fit, double taped, 4mm 100% neoprene booties that provide warmth, protection, and comfort for your feet. 4-layer, abrasion resistant gravel guards with lace hooks designed to keep rocks and debris out of your shoes.EXTRAS – Zippered front chest pocket. Flip-out storage pocket inside of the wader. Equipped with belt loops and durable wading belt with quick release buckle. Built with an adjustable chest drawcord and fully adjustable elastic suspenders.WADER CARE – Let your wader dry completely between uses if at all possible. Wash wader with cold soapy water. NEVER put your wader in the dryer. It is best to store your waders in a cool, dry place by hanging them from the feet instead of the suspenders.WARRANTY – Compass 360 products are covered for one year from the date of purchase against manufacturer’s defects. Compass 360 is not responsible for normal wear and tear, commercial use, accidents, abuse, modification, misuse, or improper care.
Durability, comfort, and function are all key parts of the design of the Compass 360 Deadfall STFT Wader. They are breathable, waterproof, and have a kangaroo-style fleece lined hand warming pocket so they are comfortable all year round. Constructed with tough and durable multiple layer polyester upper and has a double reinforced knee and shin helps prevents wear and tear. Fully adjustable elastic suspenders with quick release buckles and D-ring attachment for easy on and off. The durable wading belt with belt loops and quick release buckle allow for a custom fit. Built with an internal flip out pocket and zippered top entry pocket so you can easily store accessories. Attached polyester self fabric gravel guard with lace hooks for a secure fit. Ergonomic design, double taped, neoprene booties for snug breathable fit on each foot without bunching.

2020-03-12 16:51:08

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