해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Yinahawaii Handmade Sea Glass Necklace, Hawaiian Jewelry For Women, Aquamarine Necklace Wire Wrapped Aqua Green Necklace, Hibiscus Pearl Sea Glass Jewelry For Women, Birthday Gift (March Birthstone)

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상품가격 $38.98
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[Hawaii Handmade Ocean Jewelry] Experience the magic of Hawaii with our handmade beach necklaces and earrings. Each summer jewelry is imbued with the essence of Aloha, making them truly special and unforgettable accessories[Easy and Convenient Gift] Make gift-giving a breeze with our Hawaii pre-gift-wrapped handmade jewelry for women. Our sea glass pendant or summer earrings are ready to surprise and delight, whether it is Mother\'s Day, Valentine\'s Day or Christmas[Have Fun Creating Your Own Style] Discover endless possibilities with our collection of 500+ summer necklace and beach earrings, each one carefully crafted to complement the others. Express your individuality with endless mix-and-match options[Customize It And Personalize It] Whether it\'s a custom charm, a special birthstone or a personalized initial, our handmade necklace can be customized to your heart\'s content. Create a piece that\'s as unique and special as you or your loved one[Meaningful and Memorable] Discover the story behind the designs - from turtle to seashell and the legends of the sea. Each beach pendant or earrings is a way to express your individuality and share a meaningful experience with your loved ones
Aloha! This jewelry reflects my love for our beautiful islands of Hawaii and brings forth our Hawaii Aloha Spirit. Aloha Prices are available each month. If you can\'t find what you are looking for, try searching yinahawaii April Birthstone or yinahawaii red or yinahawaii turtle, etc. Jewelry will be made to order directly from Hawaii. Items that are available for Prime will be fulfilled faster from the mainland warehouse. I normally make the necklaces with a tarnish resistant silver chain at around 20 inches long with a lobster claw catch. If you prefer a different length, please contact me first, I’d be happy to customize it for you. The earrings will come with standard silver French hooks. Lever Backs, Shepherds\' hooks, Stainless Steel, stud or even Clip-ons are also available upon request. Leather Cord designs are handmade with Antique Brown leather cord, which is adjustable ranging about 18-30 inches. Bangle bracelets are standard 70mm in diameters. All chain style bracelets are adjustable in size. This handmade in Hawaii jewelry gift is from cultured sea glass that is specially formed into its shape for jewelry making. Each comes with a gift box with Handmade by yinahawaii stamp, an Aloha card and a white ribbon wrapped as shown in the 2nd photo, ready to give as a gift. Please see the 3rd photo for its actual and relative size. There are matching necklaces, earrings and bracelets in my collections.

2024-09-05 16:28:36

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