해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Jerry Q Art 24 Assorted Water Colors Travel Pocket Set- Free Refillable Water Brush with Sponge - Easy to Blend Colors - Built in Palette - Perfect for Painting On The Go JQ-124

상품번호 B01M3YU1L7
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브랜드 Jerry Q Art
판매자 Jerry Q Art Materials Llc
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상품가격 $13.99
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24 Assorted Water Colors With a FREE Refillable Water Brush And SpongeDesigned To Fit In Your Pocket, Ideal For Painting On The go, Perfect For Artist of All AgeWater Colors Are Formulated To Blend Easily. Paints Conform To ASTM D4236Small Size, Light Weight and Beautiful Range of Color, Perfect for A Gift. Great Value,Contents: 24 Vibrant Colors in 24 mini watercolor cakes, FREE Water Brush To Transport and store water, A Porcelain Calligraphy Dish, Sea Sponge, All in a Plastic Case
Creative ideas can come at any time and what could be better than capturing that momentum and paint what you are seeing or thinking at the right moment when inspiration comes no matter of where you are. This Jerry Q Art 24 Assorted Watercolor Pocket Set is specially designed to fit in your pocket and perfect for painting on the go. 24 easy to blend colors with a FREE Water Brush to transport and store water, a Porcelain Calligraphy Dish and a Sea Sponge in the kit. Built in Palette, 24 mini watercolor cakes all in a sturdy small plastic box. Great Value, just the half pans themselves are of great value deal. Ideal for artist of any age, students, hobbyists… Perfect set for a gift. Enjoy!!!

2020-05-11 19:09:37

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