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Liberty Imports Bucket of Ocean Sea Animals Toys - 16 PCS Large Underwater Deep Sea Creaures, Realistic Soft Plastic Marine Educational Toy Figures Playset for Toddlers, Kids

상품번호 B01MDU69NS
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상품가격 $15.98
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ULTIMATE OCEAN PLAYSET: Dive into an ultimate collection of 16 large assorted sea animals, including dolphins, sharks, turtles, and more! Let your little ones explore the depths of the ocean and spark their imagination with this fun and realistic toy set.LEARNING MADE FUN: Teach and learn about fascinating sea creatures with highly detailed and realistic figures. This unique set is perfect for inspiring curiosity and introducing your kids to the wonders of the underwater world. Dive in and discover the magic together!IMAGINATION UNLEASHED: Watch as your children\'s creativity takes them on endless underwater escapades. These animal toy figures inspire imaginative play, allowing boys and girls to create their own captivating ocean stories. The possibilities are as vast as the deep blue sea!EARLY EDUCATION TOOLS: The animal figurines toys are great for landscape scenes, imaginative play, cake toppers, ocean themed party supplies, learning playset toys, party decoration, party favors or rewards. Ideal party or birthday gifts supplies set for a ocean animals world theme!STORAGE BUCKET: Each set comes in a reusable storage tub, keeping the sea creatures organized and ready for action. Whether it\'s bath time fun, pool adventures, or themed parties, these animal figures are perfect for a wide range of playtime scenarios. Let the aquatic excitement begin!

2024-06-06 00:17:28

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