해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hydrolyzed Collagen - 100% Pure, Grass Fed & Unflavored Peptides Powder for Women & Men – for Healthy Bones, Joints, Hair & Skin – Colageno Hidrolizado en Polvo Piel, Cabello y Articulaciones

상품번호 B01MSJV4M9
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상품가격 $42.75
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✔ ​HEALTHY, GLOWY SKIN & HAIR - Collagen peptides improve the elasticity of your skin cartilage and hair, giving you that youthful, healthy look!✔ HEALTHY BONES + SUPPORTS JOINT HEALTH - Supplementing with Collagen - one of the most important building blocks of the body - helps reduce and reverse collagen depletion that occurs as we age.✔ ​MIX INTO YOUR BEVERAGES/FOOD OF CHOICE - This flavorless powder can be added into your soup, shakes, and drinks to give you a boost of important nutrition quickly and easily!✔ ​HIGH ABSORPTION & EASY TO DIGEST - Gentle on the stomach and effectively digested, our formula is designed to give you the most bang for your buck, without discomfort!✔ ​CARB FREE, FAT FREE, PALEO FRIENDLY - Whatever eating plan you\'re following, rest assured that this bovine-sourced peptide powder won\'t add carbs or fat to your meal. Keto and Paleo eaters rejoice!

2024-05-17 04:30:20

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