해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Power at Work Four Power Outlets, Open Cord Reel with Winding Handle, Overload Circuit Breaker and Power Switch, 60 Feet 14AWG, High Visibility Cord, Green

상품번호 B01MSYP92H
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상품가격 $58.60
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PROFESSIONAL’S CHOICE FOR PORTABLE POWER, DELIVERING A LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE AND INNOVATION: With the portable open cable reel extension lead with four shuttered sockets and a super comfortable ridged handleHEAVY DUTY METAL STEEL DRUM: Provides additional security for the most heavy-duty tasks and is still compatible with the wall bracketsERGONOMIC, PULL-OUT DRUM WIND HANDLE: Enables quick winding of the high visibility cable with increased speed and control, assisted by the integrated cable guideSAFETY THERMAL CUT OUT WITH LED POWER INDICATOR: Prevents the cable overheating when fully reeled and allows you to reset if a cut-out occursROBUSTILY BUILT WITH LOCALISED ON AND OFF POWER SWITCH: Let’s you control the power where you are working, helpful when you are mowing the lawn and the main power supply is indoors
Masterplug\'s easy-use open reel is perfect for use in workshops, homes, yards, and light industrial applications. The integrated cord is kept neat and ready-to-go and 4 surge protected outlets ensure you have power where you need it. The rugged open reel design allows for easy storage using the masterplug wall mount bracket (sold separately). Masterplug\'s reels are backed by our three year warranty and our customer support team, located in Houston, Texas, is ready to help you, Monday through Friday.

2024-05-15 20:49:06

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