해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Berlin Modisch Dummy Lever Door Handle [Pack of Two] for Closets with a Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish, Single Side, Non-Turning Pull Only Classic Series

상품번호 B01MU7EWLR
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상품가격 $21.99
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Dummy 2 Pack [Single Side - Non Turning Pull Only]Designed to complement both conventional and modern style interior doors for commercial and residential applicationsPack of 2 Single side, Non-turning door handle left & right handUniquely crafted door lever Dummy Set ideal for french closet doors, non functioning pull handle lever onlyComes a pack of Two lever handle (non- locking) non turning single sided pull onlyDurable & Portable Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish handle which Fits all doors
Berlin Modisch Dummy Lever Door Handle [Pack of Two] for Closets with a Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish, Single Side, Non-Turning Pull Only Product Description: This Premium Quality Dummy door handles features a special wave-styled, with an amazing Oil Rubbed Bronze finish. This hardware piece is fully fitted with a radius square corner strike. Package Includes: * Dummy Lever door handle (pack of two – right & left hand) * Screws for instalation * Diagram template for installation From the manufacturers: Our Premium Quality Wave-Styled dummy door knobs are an ideal decorative accessory, professionally designed to perfectly compliment a wide range of traditional and modern residential interior doors. br> This deluxe hardware is creatively fitted with a lever handle designed to perform very efficiently. This original lockset comes with a non-locking, pack of Two single lever handles. It also features a special square-corner striker. and is designed to fit doors between 1-3/8 inch and 1-3/4 inch. It has a Oil Rubbed Bronze finish and is protected by a clear powder coat finish.

2024-09-05 11:11:06

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