해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hooke Road Wrangler JK Nerf Bars Slider Rail Steps Running Boards for 2007-2018 Jeep JK Wrangler Unlimited 4-Door

상품번호 B01MZBF665
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상품가격 $239.99
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【Application】- Hooke Road nerf bars running boards fit for 2007-2018 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited JK 4-Door. Please note it won\'t match a 37 inch oversized tire【Function】- Superior side and undercarriage protection. With durable step pads, the step rails provide easy entrance and exit on your Wrangler JK【Sturdy Build】- Manufactured from durable and heavy duty steel construction. These side steps weight about 39.2 lbs【Durable Coating】- Textured black powder coat finish & Premium E-coating process inside for long-lasting durability and corrosion resistance【Easy Installation】- Direct bolt-on upgrade reusing the factory mounting points. No drilling is required【Warranty】 - Manufacturer warranty for 2-Year from date of purchase. Lifetime customer support from Hooke Road

2024-05-16 19:34:53

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