해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Waxelene Multipurpose Ointment Large Tube, Organic Aerated Balm the Petroleum Jelly Alternative Soothing Botanical Eczema Dry Skin Face Moisturizer

상품번호 B01MZWLQ5C
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상품가격 $35.99
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MOISTURIZES SKIN - The Waxelene multi-purpose ointment is an all-around moisturizing and healing product; it is ideal for dry skin, eczema, psoriasis rosacea, cracked cuticles, and heelsPATENTED PROCESS - Our patented aeration process creates a silky soft texture, providing a thin protective barrier that still lets the skin breathe; The organic oils soak in and nurture skin cellsSIMPLE APPLICATION - Apply a small amount of the skin healing ointment to the desired area on the body or the face and gently spread it to relieve dehydrated skinNATURAL GOODNESS - The Waxelene moisturizing cream is petroleum-free and hypoallergenic. It has the goodness of USDA certified organic ingredients such as soy oil, bee wax, natural vitamin e oil, and rosemary oil; no chemical additivesVERSATILE - 100+ Uses; Make-up, babies, beauty, sports, pets, tattoo, hair, household, and more

2024-06-05 22:40:32

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