해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
OEG Parts New Alternator Compatible With Mercedes ML350 3.5L V6 2006, Freighliner Sprinter Van 2007-2008 A2721540102, 68011841AA, ABO0345, 40024158

상품번호 B01N1P2D7H
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상품가격 $177.95
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Replacement Part Numbers: 0 124 625 023, ABO0345, A272-154-01-02, A2721540102, 68011841AB, 68011841AA, 400-24158, 40024158, 272-154-01-02, 2721540102, 11217N, 11217, 0124625023Product Type: Alternator; Condition: New; Unit Series: PMA; Voltage: 12V; Amperage: 180A; Rotation: CW; Regulator/Fan: IR/IF; Plug Code: 063; Pulley Class: S6; Pulley OD: 50mm; Mounting Hardware Included: No; Unit Finish: Same as OE; Number of Pieces: 1; Country of Origin: CN; Notes: PERMANENT MAGNETCompatible With Dodge Sprinter 2500 Base 3.5L 2007-08; Sprinter 3500 Base 3.5L 2007-08; Compatible With Mercedes-Benz E350 Base 3.5L 2006; ML350 4Matic 3.5L 2006; R350 4Matic 3.5L 2006 - See the Description for more ApplicationsOne Year Hassle Free GuaranteeSee Product Description for Additional Specifications
SPECIFICATIONS: 180 Amp/12 Volt, CW, 6-Groove Pulley DESIGN: IR/IF VOLTAGE: 12 AMPERAGE: 180 ROTATION: CW PULLEY CLASS: S6 This list is a sample of all the compatible cars for this part. Make sure this product fits your car by using the part finder above. REPLACEMENT FOR or COMPATIBLE WITH MERCEDES-BENZ: R350 V6 3.5L (06-06) ML350 V6 3.5L (06-06) E350 V6 3.5L (06-06) REPLACEMENT FOR or COMPATIBLE WITH FREIGHTLINER: Sprinter 3500 V6 3.5L (07-08) Sprinter 2500 V6 3.5L (07-08) REPLACEMENT FOR or COMPATIBLE WITH DODGE: Sprinter 3500 V6 3.5L (07-08) Sprinter 2500 V6 3.5L (07-08)

2025-01-09 16:58:08

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