해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
GMT Games Wing Leader Supremacy (1943-1945), Art Craft Kit, Board Game for Ages 14+, 1-3 Hours Playing Time

상품번호 B01N30BDG7
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브랜드 Brand: GMT Games
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $71.10
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Wing Leader: Supremacy features 48 aircraft of the major combatants of the late war: Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Romania, Japan, the Soviet Union, and the United States. There are fighters, bombers, dive bombers, and torpedo bombers.Twenty-three exciting scenarios range from D-Day to the skies over Germany, the Japanese Home Islands, Rabaul, Okinawa, and the Eastern Front. The late war fighting features kamikaze attacks against picket ships and jet battles with B-17s.The rules cover air combat, situational awareness, command & control, and aerial bombing. They detail aircrew quality, doctrine, Experte pilots, jets, and special weapons such rockets, gun pods, and torpedoes.With the small introductory scenarios to ease players into the action, Wing Leader: Supremacy takes you into the heart of the climactic air battles of the Second World War.2 Players | Ages 14+ | 1-3 Hours Playing Time
Wing Leader Supremacy is the second volume in the Wing Leader game series. It is a game of massed air battles where players command squadron- and flight-sized units in formations of wing strength or greater. One side takes the role of raiders, leading a force of bombers through to the target. The other side defends with fighters, trying to claw for altitude and intercept the enemy. The game employs a side-view of the air battle, in which the forces maneuver vertically and end-to-end along the path of the raid. Players must gain height, exploit the Sun and cloud for advantage, and mass or divide their formations to stop the enemy. If you fail, the enemy bombers will rain down bombs on the armies, fleets, and cities below. You are the Wing Leader.

2020-03-12 23:26:26

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