해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Golf Gadgets® - Swing Recording System | Large Device Holder (PHABLET) with Jaws Clamp & Gooseneck Mount. Compatible Large Devices Like iPhone 6/7 Plus, Samsung Galaxy Note, etc.

상품번호 B01N6M7RCZ
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상품구분 Cell Phones & Accessories / Accessories
브랜드 Brand: Golf Gadgets
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 26.99
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LARGE PHONE HOLDER - This setup includes the a LARGE phone clamp that works with BIGGER devices like iPhone 6/7 Plus, or Samsung Note (opens from 3 inches out to 4 inches). Does not work with smaller devices!! Check your phone specs!RECORD YOUR SWING or ZOOM- This Jaws Clamp and Gooseneck includes the a phone clamp that works with LARGE Smartphones. Easy-to-use, works with LARGE device models like iPhone PLUS, can be used with a case, or waterproof case.EASY TO USE- Large Phone Clamp attaches to the Gooseneck and provides a secure hold on your phone so it will stay in place. Capture video, snap photos via camera timer, or use for time lapse.Sport Camera COMPATIBLE - Clamp and Gooseneck can also be used for attaching your quick-release GoPro camera. If you already own a GoPro, wouldn\'t you also like to be able to use your phone?WHAT\'S INCLUDED - Jaws Clamp, Gooseneck, thumb screw, adapter, LARGE phone holder clamp. Please check phone specs to be sure this holder will work with your device. Thanks
Golf Swing recording system for use with large phone models up to 4 inches wide. This only works with large devices like the iPhone Plus. The width is 3.1 inches when the clamp is closed, and opens up to 4 inches (see images). Attach the Jaws Clamp to a golf bag, golf cart, bench, or tree to capture footage while you practice, or while you play. Now you can make epic videos to share with family and friends. Get a solid grip on your Smartphone and keep it safe with this Jaws Clamp or Hand Grip. The gooseneck doubles as a hand grip for increased stability and control, making it easy to aim the camera and frame your shots with confidence. Also works with Sport Cameras. Why risk dropping your phone while recording your swing, or playing golf? This Golf Gadget Mount works with larger Phones, but please check your phone size specs to be sure. Golf Gadgets make it easy to share immersive video, or live streaming footage with your followers, or just take pictures via camera timer app. Now you can easily record your swing for analysis, without the risk of dropping your phone. Don\'t miss another opportunity to enhance your game, make a cool video, or capture pictures for social media.

2024-02-13 10:33:59

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