해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
U01-4-403-BK H-D Twin Cam V-Twin Motorcycle Throttle and Idle Cable Kit (Two Cables, Threaded Bends)

상품번호 B06WD6M7LV
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Automotive / Motorcycle & Powersports
브랜드 Brand: VENHILL
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $54.98
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No soldering requiredIncludes everything needed to make one complete throttle cable and one idle cable up to 50 inchesSuitable for generally any Twin Cam type motorcycle throttle and idle cable application
No Soldering Required The Venhill H-D Twin Cam V-Twin Motorcycle Throttle and Idle Cable Kit includes everything needed to make a complete throttle cable and a complete idle cable up to 50 inches each. This is a high-quality cable kit suitable for generally any Twin Cam type motorcycle throttle and idle cable application. This version includes: Four (4) "threaded" type bends 2 x 70 degrees 2 x 90 degrees Two (2) sections of outer conduit housing Two (2) sections of inner wire The outer conduit housing is spiral wound steel covered with tough black PVC and lined with Teflon™ for smooth action and zero maintenance. Each piece of outer conduit is finished on the engine end with a step nose ferrule. The opposite ends will need to be cut to length and the desired ferrule bends installed. Each inner wire is fitted with a handle grip nipple. The opposite ends will need to be cut to length and the carburettor/throttle body nipples secured in place using the integrated set screws.

2024-05-16 22:26:02

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