해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Sightmark Latitude Spotting Scope

상품번호 B06XHSVDD1
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상품가격 $699.97
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Extra-Low Dispersion Glass: Incorporating ED glass elements minimizes chromatic aberration and color fringing in the optic\'s image, resulting in superior image clarity, contrast, and color accuracy.Fully Multi-Coated Optics: Elevate optical performance with anti-reflective coatings on all lenses, maximizing light transmission, brightness, color accuracy, and reducing reflections. Achieve premium image quality in top-tier optical equipment.Dielectric Mirror Coatings: This spotting scope is equipped with dielectric mirror coatings, which enhance light reflection within the optical system. These coatings contribute to superior brightness and image clarity, ensuring clear and vivid views.Folded Light Path: The spotting scope uses a folded light path design, allowing for a more compact and streamlined form factor. This design is convenient for portability and ease of use during outdoor activities such as hunting and wildlife observation.Included Tripod, Rail, and Case: The Sightmark Latitude spotting scope comes with an included tripod,rail, and case, enhancing stability and ease of use during extended viewing sessions.

2024-07-11 12:39:51

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