해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Aviation Connectors 5A, Lsgoodcare GX12-6 Metal Aviation Plug Kit, Including 20Pcs 6 Pin 12MM Plug Thread Male Female Panel Socket and 10Pcs Aviation Plugs Cap

상품번호 B06XRKG2P2
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상품구분 Electronics / Home Audio
브랜드 Brand: Lsgoodcare
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상품가격 $13.99
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[Aviation Connector Plug Male Female Kit]: High Quality GX12-6 Pin Metal Cable Connector, 12MM 6Din Straight Plug[Thread Aviation Plug Male 6 Pin 5A]: Metal and Hard Plastic (Shell Material: Zinc Alloy; Connector Pins Material: Fine Copper Silver Plating);[Aviation Wire Connector Female 6 Pin 5A]: Metal and Hard Plastic (Shell Material: Zinc Alloy; Connector Pins Material: Fine Copper Silver Plating);[Multifunction Metal Chassis Connector Socket 200V ]: The aviation connector is used widely in signal and electronic connector of aviation, space light, post and telecommunications, computer, navigation and various kinds of instruments, CNC machine etcCome with Rubber Aviation Plug Caps
Lsgoodcare 10PCS 5A 12MM 6 Pin Female Aviation Connector Plug + 10PCS 5A 12MM 6 Pin Male Aviation Connector Plug+10Pcs Aviation Connector Plug Caps Widely Used in Data Acquisition Systems, Inclinometer, Computer Automation Measurement and Control Systems, Mechnical Equipment, Audio/Video, Communications, Automotive and Other Industries. Mainly Used for The Electronical Connection Between the Cables. Waterproof, Airproof and Really A Great Apparatus Electronic Connector. Description: Rated Current Voltage: 300V Rated Current Amp: 5A Pin Number:6 PINs Plug Hole Diameter:12mm Relative humidity: Up to 98% at +40deg C Atmospheric Pressure: Up to 4.4 kPa (Kilopascal) Vibration Frequency:10 ~100Hz, acceleration 100m/s Square Centrifugal: acceleration: 250m/s Square Ambient Temperature: -50deg C ~ +70deg C Material: Metal and Hard Plastic Main color: Silver, Black Rated voltage: 300V Rated Current Amp:5A Contact resistance <5Ω Package : 10Pairs Female Male Aviation Connector Plug 10 Pairs Aviation Connector Plug Caps GX12-6Pin

2024-09-04 20:28:09

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