해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Max & Lily Bunk Bed, Twin-Over-Twin Wood Bed Frame For Kids With Trundle, White

상품번호 B06XSN4NMY
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상품가격 $603.73
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Solid New Zealand Pine wood bed frame | Durable, non-toxic, low VOC finish | Mattresses are not includedProduct overall dimensions – 81.5” L x 42” W x 65” H | Twin upper bunk – 80" L x 40" W x 36" H | Twin middle bunk – 80" L x 40" W x 36" H | Trundle lower bunk – 74.5" L x 40.7" W x 11.7" H | Distance between slats – 8.75” | Weight limit (each) – 400 lbs.Metal on metal structural connections won\'t loosen over time | Bunks can easily be separated into 2 free-standing bedsTop and middle bunks accommodate a standard twin size mattress each, not over 8" thickness | Recommended size mattress for the trundle – 72.5” L x 38.5” W x 8” HReversible ladder with rounded edges and grooved treads for comfortable, easy climbing | Hand-hole detail adds safety & style | Tall 14 in. guardrails safely fit standard mattress sizes
When it\'s time to move out of the nursery and into toddler or kid-sized furniture, Max & Lily kids furniture brings the style, quality and affordability That families want. Solid new Zealand pine wood construction and the flexibility to convert these bunks into separate twin beds set Max & Lily bunk beds apart. A sleepover classic, the included trundle provides additional bed space and rolls on casters. Includes upper/lower bunk slat rolls. Weight capacity is 400-pounds per bed. With tall 14" Guardrails the bed safely fits standard mattress sizes. A reversible straight ladder with rounded edges offers comfortable, easy climbing. Ladder\'s hand-hole detail adds safety & Style. The space-saving design is perfect for smaller rooms. Recommended for 8-foot and higher ceilings. The bunks easily separate into 2 free-standing Twin beds. Finish is easy to maintain and long-lasting. Color matching counter-sunk hardware with help create a clean look. Max & Lily kids furniture includes bunks, storage and trundle beds as well as tables, chairs and storage solutions. The line features modern looks, great colors, and quality construction. Max & Lily is a member of the Maxwood Furniture family of brands. This bed meets or exceeds Federal safety standards For children’s furniture. 2+ adults are wanted for assembly. Bed ships in one box and is heavy due to solid wood construction. Instructions and required hardware is included.

2024-06-04 20:41:43

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