해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Stonehaven Dragonling Miniature Figure (for 28mm Scale Table Top War Games) - Made in USA

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상품가격 $8.09
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This 19mm tall Dragonling has a great amount of detail for dungeon-crawling, RPGs and table top war games.Miniature could be used as a Baby Dragon, Demon, Dragonling, Wyrm, Familiar, Whelp, Hatchling, Pet. This Dragonling is equipped with long tail and raised wings .Included with each mini is a slotted round plastic "creator" base. This base is not designed as a plug and play solution and requires some assembly and finishing (glue, putty, or other filler is recommended). Figure is made of 100% lead free pewter.Figures are unpainted. The pictures of the painted miniatures are for inspiration and are only examples.Miniatures come unassembled and unpainted, some filing may be needed to clean up excess flashing, or sprue. Choking hazard - Not suitable for children 14 and under.
This 19mm tall Dragonling has a great amount of detail for dungeon-crawling, RPGs and table top war games. Miniature could be used as a Baby Dragon, Demon, Dragonling, Wyrm, Familiar, Whelp, Hatchling, Pet. This Dragonling is equipped with long tail and raised wings . 20mm diameter slotted round plastic base included. Figure is made of 100% lead free pewter. Miniatures come unassembled and unpainted, some filing may be needed to clean up excess flashing, or sprue. The pictures of the painted miniatures are for inspiration and are only examples, these ship unpainted. Base tab on the miniature may be smaller than the slot in the provided base, some filing may be required. Choking hazard - Not suitable for children 14 and under. Please note, some base tabs on the miniature may not fit perfectly to the base. To resolve this, you can simply bend the base tab into a shallow -V- so it touches each side of the base slot. Then drip a small amount of superglue onto each point that the tab contacts to the base. To cover the open areas of the base slot, you can glue in small pieces of construction paper over them. To give the base a more natural look, you can spread craft glue over the whole base and dip in in some dirt or sand from your yard for a gravel texture.

2024-02-13 14:31:12

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