해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Big Ant Car Seat Covers 2 Pack, Edge Wrapping Car Seat Pad for Car with PU Faux Leather (Gray)

상품번호 B06Y26ZNBK
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상품가격 $42.99
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Edge Wrapping Design for Car Seat – Both sides of seat cover with wrapping design shows rich in stereoscopic vision. It conduces to be a comprehensive protection for your seat and comfortable to use.High-grade Leather materials for Breathable & Anti-bacteria features - seat cushion will effectively control the temperature, adjust the humidity, be useful to relieve fatigue and expedite metabolism. Made of healthy material, sponge of high elasticity Interior, heat-insulated cloth, Keep hip and back comfortable in long time use.Natural and Efficient for Non-slip Rubber-soled - luxury car seat covers without toxin, bottom pad designed with anti-slip rubber, prevent falling off from your car driver seat. With firm and durable Accessories, this auto seat cushions include plastic chucks with thick elastic (fixed on the seat back),2 plastic buckles (caught in the seat back gap), metal hooks (hitch under your car seat), also have elastic front of seat cover with convenience.Small Pocket with individuation - Easily and fast get your stuff from front pocket, such as mobile phone and wallet etc. Just take them when needed from this cool car seat coversStrong Compression, Easily clear when stains occur, Wear resistant for vehicle car seat mat, Big Ant seat pad is a good choice.Hint: Due to seat belt rules in the USA seat belt locks shouldn\'t be covered up, cars have different seat belt locks with various setup locations, Before buying please check whether your car is compatible with this pad. Also, different cars have different size, so please make sure whether big ant car seat cushion is fit your car model before buying

2025-01-07 13:49:06

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