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TEXAS LINEN CO. Egyptian Cotton California King Bed Sheets - 800 Thread Count 4 PC White Egyptian Bed Sheet for Calking Size Bed, Sateen Weave Deep Pocket Luxury Hotel Sheet, Extra Soft Cooling Sheets

상품번호 B071L7SZB9
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상품가격 $89.99
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Feel The Crisp Softness Of 100% Egyptian Cotton Sheets: Made from extra long staple cotton and sateen weave, our 800 thread count egyptian cotton sheets are satin soft, crisp, and silky. 100% cotton keeps you cool and super breathable (unlike microfiber)—and is great for the sensitive skin of kids and adults. The OEKO-TEX certification ensures no harmful chemicals in your bedroom.8X More Durable Than Other 100% Cotton Sheets: These 100% cotton bed sheets are mercerized to hold up well on the wash, which means no lint, pilling, shrinkage, or fading of the color. Compared to other cotton sheets, our top-rated & high-quality california king sheet set stands the test of time. Please note that cotton sheets take a few washes to soften up and wrinkle a bit.Thick & Heavy Like The Five-Star Hotel Bedsheets: 30% thicker and heavyweight than other 800 thread count sheets, our cal king sheet set is made from the tried and tested recipe of the five-star hotel luxury bedding. The material is light and ultra cooling and keeps you at an ideal temperature at night so you don’t feel too cool or overheated while you sleep. Best for hot sleepers.Includes A Complete 4-Piece King-Size Sheet Set: The 800 thread count egyptian cotton sheets set includes 1 Flat Sheet (108’’ W x 102’’ L), 1 Fitted sheet (72” W x 84” L + 16” deep pocket), and 2 King-sized pillowcases (21” W x 41” L). The fitted sheet comes with extra deep pocket to accommodate adjustable mattresses, and the elastic hugs the mattress for a snug fit. The fitted sheet has a head/foot indicator that helps you make the bed easily.Flexible 30-Day Refund/Return Policy: Try our 100% pure & organic cotton bedsheet, and if you don’t like them, you can always get the items exchanged/refunded within 30 days on Amazon. Our 800 thread count hotel collection sheets are a popular gift choice pack on Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s & Father’s Day. Pick the color you like and match it with our 800 thread count solid bottom sheet, top sheet, duvet cover, pillowcase, and comforter from Texas Linen’s home decor collection.

2024-10-02 05:19:14

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