해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Qunol Ubiquinol CoQ10 200mg Softgels, Ubiquinol 200mg - Active Form of Coenzyme Q10, Antioxidant for Heart Health - 60 Count (Pack of 2)

상품번호 B0722W7DZ1
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상품가격 $66.64
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UBIQUINOL -THE ACTIVE FORM OF COQ10 - Studies show that when we are young, our bodies synthesize CoQ10 well But as we get older, the body\'s ability to convert CoQ10 to Ubiquinol diminishes As we age, CoQ10 supplements may become less effectiveProduct Note: Exposure to heat or sunlight may lead to melting/damage of product. Hence customers are expected to be available during the product deliveryPOWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT - Ubiquinol is the activated, antioxidant form of CoQ10 that helps neutralize excess free radicals and helps protect cells against damageQUNOL UBIQUINOL FOR HEART HEALTH - Ubiquinol helps support heart and vascular health because it plays a role in producing the energy needed by our hearts and helps promote healthy blood pressure levels [1]BENEFICIAL TO STATIN DRUG USERS - Both cholesterol and CoQ10 are produced in the same pathway Because statins work by blocking this pathway, they also block the production of CoQ10 which leads to lower ubiquinol levels in the bloodESSENTIAL FOR ENERGY PRODUCTION - Ubiquinol is a natural coenzyme that plays an important role in the production of 95% of the energy used by organs Ubiquinol levels may drop due to age, stress, and cholesterol-lowering statin drug therapy [2]

2024-09-04 22:40:13

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