해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LuxClub 6 PC Queen Sheet Set, Breathable Luxury Bed Sheets, Deep Pockets 18" Eco Friendly Wrinkle Free Cooling Sheets Machine Washable Hotel Bedding Silky Soft - Dark Khaki Queen

상품번호 B072F4M4MM
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상품가격 $34.95
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LUXURY BEDDING: Includes 1 fitted sheet, 1 flat sheet and 4 pillowcases. Our LuxClub 6 pc queen sheets set are crafted from microfiber, offer a more luxurious and comfortable bedding experience than even the finest Egyptian cotton sheets and pillowcases. With double-brushed polyester microfiber, these queen sheets outperform 100% cotton for softness and breathability.UNMATCHED COMFORT: Say hello to Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certified queen sheet set that rival hotel and high thread count luxury sheets. Our bedding sets offer the best cooling sheets with superior breathability. Plus, the 18 inch deep pocket sheets are wrinkle-free and silky soft, providing you with unparalleled comfort.EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY: Our fitted sheets for queen size bed are made with a blend of microfiber and elastic all around, providing them with superior strength and elasticity. The deep pockets are perfect for memory foam or mattress toppers, while the sheets are softer than jersey sheets and fade-resistant, anti-pill, and temperature controlled.PERFECT GIFT: LuxClub 6 pc deep pocket queen sheets make the perfect gift for anyone. They are great for people of all ages, including parents, spouses, and kids, and are suitable for any time of year. It\'s also an adorable gift that can decorate your room!LIFETIME SATISFACTION: Made from quality mocrofiber, luxclub sheet set give you softest and smooth feeling at a reasonable price. We also offer more than 39 vibrant colors for you to choose to decorate your room. Our total confidence guarantee will provide you with peace of mind. Add them to your cart and enjoy the comfort of LuxClub queen sheets.

2025-01-10 05:59:59

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