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HAUTMEC Tub Drain Remover Wrench Tool PL0030

상품번호 B072JWGQKK
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상품가격 $9.59
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The dual ended tub drain wrench fits most inner diameter 1 3/8" and 1 1/2" tub drain shoe,ideal for removing most old tub and shower drains and installing new on.Make sure the the size of drain shoe is matched with this tub drain remover.If the drain crossbar is badly damaged,you may need to use a tool called a tub drain extractor.Operate this tub drain remover with an adjustable wrench or heavy duty screwdrivers to fit the crossbar in the bathtub and quickly loosen it.A heavy-duty aluminum die-cast construction,robust and lightweight, reduces hand fatigue and enables plumbers to remove or install bathtub drains efficiently.Instructions:Select the appropriate end of wrench to fit tub drain and insert into drain;Use adjustable wrench hold the tool or heavy duty screwdriver insert the tool;turn tub drain counterclockwise until the drain removed then turn clockwise to tighten the drain.HAUTMEC tools are dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service.If any issues with tub drain remover,please contact service for troubleshooting help, replacement or refund.

2025-01-07 12:51:25

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