해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ZINUS 8 Inch Foam and Spring RV Mattress, Short Queen Size for RVs, Campers & Trailers, Mattress in A Box, White

상품번호 B073DRF48K
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상품가격 199.99
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DURABLE COMFORT – When soft, yet durable foam layers combine with steel innersprings, a match made in mattress heaven happens, resulting in a supportive spring mattress with the right hint of conforming softnessTOP QUALITY LAYERS - .5 inch durable high-density foam, 1 inch conforming ViscoLatex foam, and a 6 inch base layer of heavy duty steel coils; ideal for stomach sleepers and petite to average weight individualsCERTIPUR US CERTIFIED - Highest quality foam is CertiPUR US Certified for durability, performance, and contentEXPERTLY PACKAGED - Our technology allows this mattress to be efficiently compressed into one box that’s easily shipped and maneuvered into the bedroom; simply unbox, unroll and this mattress does the rest, expanding to its original shape within 72 hoursWorry-free 10 year lid warranty included; twin mattress supports a maximum weight of 250 lbs, while all other sizes can support up to 500 lbs
If even and perfectly cushioned support strikes your fancy, then the Foam and Spring Mattress is your ticket to many well-rested mornings to come. Featuring a fiber quilted cover, CertiPUR-US Certified high-density and Viscolatex foams, and a base layer of heavy duty steel innersprings, this mattress is equipped with the right blend to let your joints and spine rest comfortably. With a touch of enveloping softness from our Viscolatex foam backed by reliable traditional innersprings, this mattress is especially ideal for stomach sleepers and those who enjoy a reactive feel. Rolled and shipped in a box that arrives at your doorstep with a 10-year worry-free warranty in tow, it’s equipped with just about everything you need to enjoy smooth snoozing. So all that’s left for you to do is tuck in and close your eyes, no sheep-counting required.

2025-01-08 09:51:55

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